CP Solutions

The innovative Concierge Provider platform helps hotels and restaurants deal with daily challenges in an efficient manner.
Discover how the unique functionalities of the platform can improve your service, speed and sales.



Increase your sales by building valuable collaborations between hotels and restaurants

First & Last-minute Availability​

Supply and demand between hotels and restaurants are matched in real time. This gives you, as a CP-member, unparalleled flexibility. Not only can you place requests in advance, but you can also offer guests the opportunity to successfully reserve a place last minute.

Own service​

As a hotel, you can promote special activities via the CP platform. As a restaurant, you can offer special services for members within the CP platform. For example, think of special menus, exclusive actions or a minimum spend for the chef's table.


Offer your guests a unique experience by placing requests at restaurants. This gives your guests a chance to book tables that are normally kept free for walk-ins or no-shows.

Search & Find

The search & find function brings hotels and restaurants together. Hotels can use advanced filters to find the perfect restaurant for their guests, and restaurants can respond to special requests from hotels, if it is possible to facilitate their wishes.

Performance Dashboard​

CP provides real-time reports of your performance in a sleek and convenient dashboard. This allows you to perfectly monitor the successes and pain points of your business and to intervene if necessary.



Give your guests a unique experience with the exclusive functionalities of the Concierge Provider platform

CP Feedback

You will receive constructive and professional feedback from experts in the hotel and restaurant industry. They help you to establish collaborations, build and improve relationships in the areas of service, speed and sales.

CP Community

The CP Community page is the channel for receiving industry updates, temporary exclusive offers, announcements and information members want to share with one another. Ideal for keeping members informed, sharing exclusive content and promoting your business.

Guest Privacy Guaranteed

We consider the safeguarding of guests' privacy to be extremely important. That is why we are always up to date with the latest GDPR legislation and why you can collaborate within our platform without sharing personal data. This way, we offer the safest option for you and your guests.

Visibility in the

CP offers a unique opportunity to make your hotel or restaurant visible in a digital world full of competition. With your up-to-date and optimized company profile, you can present all kinds of information. From general information to atmospheric impressions, menus, specialities and facilities. CP offers you a new way to distinguish your hotel or restaurant.



Increase communication speed with efficient and streamlined processes within one system



You can use the CP platform to chat quickly and easily as new collaborations are established. In this way, everything can be arranged quickly and efficiently to optimize the experience of the guest.

Team Log

The CP Team Log gives you insight into what actions, changes or collaborations are carried out by the various members of your team. This will make the provision of information more efficient and contribute to a better guest experience.

Daily CP

An up-to-date overview of all successful and to-be confirmed matches. Changes are updated in real time so that the overview is always reliable, complete and up-to-date.

Become a CP member!

Get started with Concierge Provider and let your company experience how targeted collaborations can improve your service, speed and sales.